What & Where Meghan Markle Eats in a Day!

What & Where Meghan Markle Eats in a Day!

Ever since Prince Harry and Meghan Markle went public with the news of their engagement, the world has been absolutely transfixed by the former “Suits” star and soon-to-be member of the royal family. Not only is the beautiful American actress absolutely magnetic, but Markle also happens to be a bonafide healthy-living role model.

Markle has often spoken to the press about her clean dieting habits and so-worth-it indulgences, and those who know her personally say she’s genuinely committed to healthy eating. A spokesperson from Revitasize, Markle’s favorite health-food cafe in Toronto where “Suits” was filmed, told E! News: “We shared a passion for healthy eating. She knows that by eating cleaner, you are going to feel better…. She is committed to being healthy. It’s a lifestyle for her. That’s who she is and why she’ll be able to handle the stress of the day.” Cheers to that! Here are nine healthy-eating habits Markle loves that you can try too!




1 Organic foods.

Markle has indicated a strong preference for clean, organic food when possible, so it makes sense she would choose Claire Ptak of the London-based Violet Bakery to make her and Prince Harry's wedding cake. Ptak focuses on “seasonal and organic” ingredients, so the elderberry and lemon concoction will not only be delicious but healthy-ish, too. Yum!

2. Start every day with hot water and a squeeze of lemon.

2 Start every day with hot water and a squeeze of lemon.

In an interview with Delish.com, Markle said that upon waking she will reach for a mug of steamy water spruced up with a dash of fresh lemon juice. The combo is thought to provide a plethora of health benefits, such as promoting a healthy weight, improving digestion, boosting immunity thanks to vitamin C and upping your stores of potassium.

3. Treat yourself.

3 Treat yourself.

Markle has been quite vocal about two of her favorite “vices,” as she called them in her Delish.com interview: french fries and vino. When it comes to fries, she told the site that she will try to share a plate with friends. “I’m always hoping I’m having lunch with people so we can share fries. It’s its own food group for me,” she explained says. As for the vino, her go-to pour is an Italian red called Tignanello. (In fact, her now-defunct lifestyle site The Tig was named for it.) Delish reports she’s also a fan of Argentine Malbecs, French cabs and pinot noirs from Oregon.

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4. Drink your greens.

4 Drink your greens.

In her Delish interview, Markle also noted that she counts on a green juice daily for her “late-afternoon pick-me-up." She offered additional details to “Today” in 2012: “It’s easy to fall into the trap of rushing for a coffee when you hit that 4 p.m. slump. But if I blend some apple, kale, spinach, lemon and ginger in my Vitamix in the morning and bring it to work, I always find that sipping on that is a much better boost than a cup of espresso.” She also loves to mix it up by adding berries or almond milk.

Read more: Golden Delicious Green Juice Smoothie Recipe

5. Reach for satisfying soups.

5 Reach for satisfying soups.

Soup — particularly those that are lower in sodium — can help with weight management by reducing overall calorie intake at meals, as a study published in the journal Appetite notes. So it is understandable that Markle has cited it as one of her go-to dinners. The Revitasize spokesperson backs that up. He told E!: “She really liked our soups because they are dairy- and gluten-free. Her favorites were the coconut and mushroom soup or the broccoli and dill.” One similar option you can try at home is Thai tom kha soup (made with coconut milk and mushrooms).

6. Don’t skip on superfoods.

6 Don’t skip on superfoods.

Another staple for Markle at Revitasize was the acai bowl. It is no wonder Markle loves the South American superfood — it’s packed with two types of antioxidants, flavonoids and procyanidins, which guard against environmental pollution that can damage cellular DNA and cellular membranes, in turn raising your risk of chronic, serious diseases like cancer. In fact, a study published in theJournal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry found that the compounds in the fruit are among the most powerful antioxidants. “She would come in two or three times a week and absolutely loved to eat our acai bowl because she could customize it by adding superfoods like bananas, chia seeds or hemp hearts,” the Revitasize spokesperson told E! “She was always switching it up.”

7. Try this “sexy” pasta sauce.

7 Try this “sexy” pasta sauce.

Lovers of Italian food are always looking to make their favorite dishes even healthier, so it’s no surprise that Markle keyed in on one especially brilliant pasta sauce trick. She told Delish that a friend turned her on to slow-cooking zucchini for four to five hours, until it breaks down into a “filthy, sexy mush” to toss with pasta. “The sauce gets so creamy you’d swear there’s tons of butter and oil in it, but it’s just zucchini, water and a little bouillon,” Markle explained. Yum!

Here's What Meghan Markle Eats in a Day

Ever since Prince Harry and Meghan Markle went public with the news of their engagement, the world has been absolutely transfixed by the former “Suits” star and soon-to-be member of the royal family. Not only is the beautiful American actress absolutely magnetic, but Markle also happens to be a bonafide healthy-living role model.

Markle has often spoken to the press about her clean dieting habits and so-worth-it indulgences, and those who know her personally say she’s genuinely committed to healthy eating. A spokesperson from Revitasize, Markle’s favorite health-food cafe in Toronto where “Suits” was filmed, told E! News: “We shared a passion for healthy eating. She knows that by eating cleaner, you are going to feel better…. She is committed to being healthy. It’s a lifestyle for her. That’s who she is and why she’ll be able to handle the stress of the day.” Cheers to that! Here are nine healthy-eating habits Markle loves that you can try too!

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